July 02, 2008

Gag Reflex

Speaking of bad commercials (yeah we were, at the office)....

There is a particularly unpleasant ad airing these days for Mentos gum. You may have seen it, chick walks up to a guy sitting next to the water cooler and "drinks" from his mouth instead. It has gotten enough air time that now I only need to hear the background tune to starting gagging.

If the goal of an ad campaign is to create that indelible link in a consumer's mind for a product, this one is a slam dunk.

I will forever associate Mentos gum with other people's spit.

Posted by Vox at July 2, 2008 11:17 PM | peeves

I agree it's gross and I wouldn't buy the product if I did chew gum.

Posted by: Karen of Scottsdale at July 3, 2008 10:17 AM