August 31, 2007

They Got Me

I am now on MySpace.

OK, I was sucked in by Pandora. Sucked in by the way hearing all those new artists necessitates me hunting down their websites...most of which end up being on MySpace. I had hoped to find all I wanted on Virb, but not enough performers are signed up over there.


You know I have resisted putting myself on there (here, here, here)...but, as Michael pointed out, it does seem to be the way to go to keep track of bands. I've been hoarding them elsewhere, but I guess it is time for Vox to get a page. So, here I am - on MySpace trying to friend the bands I find on Pandora. It's like musical crack.

If any of you are signed up over there, throw me a friend request.

Posted by Vox at August 31, 2007 01:00 PM | music