February 04, 2006

Double Standard

I got sucked into watching Lisa Loeb, #1 Single - hard to turn away, like a smash up on the interstate.

On this episode, Lisa meets a writer on an airplane and is intrigued. They go out again and she plans to take her gal pals to his book party.

Then a snippet appears on Page Six about her dating him, and includes a quote from him. She and the girls are appalled, appalled I say! She even tells him that she dated someone famous for years and they worked very hard to stay out of the gossip columns. How dare he use her to advance his career?

Of course I only know all this because she filmed her meeting with him, her dates with him, her emailing him, her confronting him, put it into her new show - and broadcast it on the Entertainment Channel.

Posted by Vox at February 4, 2006 07:25 PM | TrackBack | celebrities

Yeah, I want to catch an episode or two of this but haven't yet. I did see a snippit of her walking around in a thong for Issac Misirahi (sp?)...

Posted by: yayaempress at February 5, 2006 08:58 AM