August 15, 2005

Eagles' Crap

Charles gives us his take on the T.O. situation, to which I say - With ya' 98%. I'm hoping he is wrong that some team will take him after this.

He got a comment pointing to this site, where you can get your very own F.U.T.O. shirt (that tank top is cute)...I think the proceeds are going to help him survive on the meager salary the Eagles are willing to pay him. You know, the amount he signed a contract for.

If you think you are going to be so good you'll deserve a raise next season, take a risk and sign a one year contract. If you don't want to take a chance with your employment and sign a multi-year contract, then you get to wait till the contract runs out. If I sell you a house for $100,000 that you are able to sell next year for $1,000,000, I don't get to come back and renegotiate our sales contract - I just get to kick myself for missing the boat. If I want to see what I can get for it in a year, I have to absorb the risk and hang on to it.

You could have taken a risk on a short contract, now you need to honor the contract you signed (the contract your agent negotiated, incidentally) - or go try to make that kind of money with one of your other skills.... BTW, what other skills do you have, TO?

Posted by Vox at August 15, 2005 01:20 PM | Sports

Correction: Apparently T.O. didn't hire this idiot agent till this year, so I can't blame him for negotiating the contract he is now trying to shred.

Posted by: Vox at August 22, 2005 06:15 PM