June 04, 2005


Can't believe I missed this, even more surprised that I am not that upset about missing it.

I think I know why, though. SG's roommate is a big donut eater. There are Krispy Kremes there every freakin' day. At first it was a real temptation for me, I love those things. I used to cover the box with a towel or just move them to a remote part of the counter. Now, after having the living, breathing, shuffling example of what happens to your body when you eat donuts every day living in his house, I really am not that gung ho to eat even one.

I guess it's helps to have a bad example, as well as a good one.

(that sounds really mean doesn't it? Sorry, but it's true)

Posted by Vox at June 4, 2005 01:31 PM | fitness