December 04, 2004

Olfactory Overload

Lori recently posted about a new smelly product she was looking forward to - until they ran out. New product, already gone - either very poor planning or very popular product...or both.

It reminded me of the shop I found this summer called Everything Smells. You can shop by product or by scent. They don't have the Philosophy products, but they do have a great selection of other chocolate stuff.

and beach stuff

and Gingerbread stuff

Everything from Almond to Wet Garden including (though I can't imagine why) beer and dill pickle


Posted by Vox at December 4, 2004 10:50 AM | shopping

We have a local place called Bath Junkie that does custom scents for shower gels, shampoos, salt scrubs...even doggie shampoo. When my husband and I were there last weekend perusing the scent selection, they had...I kid you not..."dirt." To me, it smelled more of potting soil than dirt but the smell was right on the money. :)

Posted by: Stacy at December 4, 2004 12:10 PM

Where is that store Vox? Is it anywhere near me? I LOVE smells!

Posted by: rachel at December 4, 2004 12:20 PM

Stacy - they have dirt, too. I guess if you loved gardening it would be perfect.

Rachel - only online, I think. Hard to be sure with smelly stuff that you can't pre-sniff, but some standard brands that are fairly reliable. I love smelly stuff, too, the problem is most scents don't linger after the bath :-( I want smells that stay with ya'

Posted by: Vox at December 4, 2004 01:27 PM