October 19, 2004

Has It Sunk In Yet?

I know there are still people out there who don't get it, so here is another voice: Dexter Lehtinen, Veteran. He reminds us, among other things, that

John Kerry is quick to surround himself with a handful of veterans and claims overwhelming support from the veteran community. He ignores, however, the wounds he inflicted on millions of veterans, and he refuses to sign a waiver to release his military personal records and medical records. This is the portrait of a man who has failed to comes to terms with his treacherous past.

Need more on the subject, see Kerry Lied, Winter Soldier and Swift Vets

Posted by Vox at October 19, 2004 03:27 PM | politics

My Dad read "Unfit for Command" and now my mom is reading it. She was telling me that if people would read this book they would be sooo appalled at the things this guy has done and cannot believe his is running for Prez.

Posted by: Lori at October 19, 2004 07:18 PM

...and it was taken out as a full page add add in the

Somehow I thought those books mentioned would be listed on this page:


...but they aren't.

Personally I'm staying away from any of the books listed on that page - as divided as the country is right now, I could hardly read a any of those books(blue or red) without having being biased beforehand (and I admit it, I am).

Posted by: Dane Summers at October 20, 2004 06:25 AM