Much was made of Pat Tillman's decision to give up his multi-million dollar NFL contract to join the Army as a Ranger, so profoundly moved was he by the events of 9-11.
Paul Beston called him
The NFL’s Lonely Hero
Peggy Noonan noted he was
Privileged to Serve
And now we find that he has given up more than his millions in service to this country - Pat Tillman was killed in action Thursday in Afghanistan.
My condolences to his friends and family. He and his brother truly represents what is good and right and possible in this country. Judging by their actions, one can imagine what an amazing family they come from.
I am saddened by his death, and heartened by his life.
UPDATE: Zonitics has some suggestions for fitting tributes to Tillman as well as rounding up posts from bloggers, Arizonan and otherwise. It looks like he linked me, but it didn't register with my trackback - don't want you to miss it.
UPDATE: Local coverage
UPDATE: Nice quote from John McCain via Fox News~
"There is in Pat Tillman's example, in his unexpected choice of duty to his country over the riches and other comforts of celebrity, and in his humility, such an inspiration to all of us to reclaim the essential public-spiritedness of Americans that many of us, in low moments, had worried was no longer our common distinguishing trait"Posted by Vox at April 23, 2004 01:29 PM | people