August 10, 2003

That'll Teach 'Em

Too bad they'll never try this here, our students could use it. Unfortunately, we could never get away with it.

Subjecting kids to discipline and education?
Over the NEA's dead body!

Posted by Vox at August 10, 2003 12:37 PM | politics

Don't worry, this upstart dictatorship of pagan liberal left rebellion against Christian education and authority is only a temporary thing.
Discipline at all levels will again be restored but in an entirely more permanent way before too much longer.
Do not ever think or believe paganism and children's rights is going to take over the world.
The world was designed and Created by an infinitely greater wisdom and intelligence, and is destined for wonderful and glorious things we cannot barely conceive of at present, when paganism will be removed from the earth for ever. Amen.

Posted by: Tim James Laslett at October 3, 2003 05:25 AM