July 28, 2003

A Real Hero Passes

The world is slightly less warm today with the passing of Bob Hope.

A man who dedicated so much of his life to entertaining and comforting American troops around the world. I don't know if there was ever a more true and generous heart in the movie biz - he'll be missed.

Photo Essay

Update: Please, please go read these testimonies to Hope. Written mostly by serviceman, most posted before his death - they show how Bobo Hope not only made people laugh, he also made them smile.

Update: It's hard to get a grasp on the life he led, but Susanna does a nice job.

Update: Right we are has a nice list of Bob Hope links.

Update: From the Yahoo Obit "...comedian Jay Leno (news - Y! TV) summed up Hope this way: 'He was a true American hero and a comedy legend who made the entire world his stage. He possessed all the gifts I, and all other comedians, could ever ask for or want: impeccable comic timing, an encyclopedic memory of jokes, and an effortless ability with quips.' "

Posted by Vox at July 28, 2003 11:39 AM | celebrities , movies , politics