July 20, 2003

Just a Suggestion

I recently got a comment from John Moore letting me know that he is an Arizona blogger as well. It seems my neighborhood is full of interesting, intelligent folks. You will find Useful Fools listed on my sidebar, but I wanted to give you a special heads up about it.

John has some good coverage of the current issues, lately on North Korea and Niger, for instance.

Something else that sets Useful Fools apart is the apparent lack of idiot comments. I'm not saying there is no disagreement, but there seems to be a decided lack of profanity and mudslinging involved. I don't know whether this is due to diligent deletion on John's part or he really attracts a more articulate clientele, either way it makes a more pleasurable read. I enjoy hearing from people with opposing viewpoints ('some of my best friends are liberal') if they are capable of presenting an intelligible case. For the most part, that's what you'll get there - except when Noam stops by.

Posted by Vox at July 20, 2003 05:53 PM | blogs